GKV Health must-reads.

When you’re passionate about healthcare and you’ve spent over 40 years helping clients succeed, you become a thought leader. Then you write down all your thought leader thoughts, insights, knowledge and best practices and share them in blogs, as we’ve done here.

Not All Baby Boomers Are Created Equal

There are two subgroups of baby boomers. Learn how to tailor your marketing so it succeeds with each.

Seven Strategies for Regaining Trust in Public Health Messaging

Trust in messaging from public institutions has eroded due to misinformation, politicization and contradictory advice. We have developed seven strategies for regaining the public’s trust.

Seven Strategies for Regaining Trust in Public Health Messaging

Trust in messaging from public institutions has eroded due to misinformation, politicization and contradictory advice. We have developed seven strategies for regaining the public’s trust.

IPAs: How To Build A Strong Brand And Maintain Your Independence

Tips on how Independent Physician Associations (IPAs) can maintain their independence.

5 Tips for Marketing Medicare Advantage Plans to Veterans

Military veterans are a big potential new market for your Medicare Advantage plan. Here are 5 tips for getting them enrolled.

Multicultural Marketing for Medicare

Multicultural Marketing for Medicare

Are you missing part of your Medicare population? Medicare audiences are increasingly multicultural. Medicare marketing must keep up or be left behind.

Driving Medicare Plan Growth With Age-In Marketing

Driving Medicare Plan Growth With Age-In Marketing

To capture the Age-In audience, plans must capitalize on evolving lifestyle trends and behave in a more strategic manner when competing with other plans.

GKV Challenger Brand Minute: How to Capture Age-In Medicare Audience

In this episode of Challenger Brand Minute, Andrew Robinson reveals three effective ways plans can drive new membership by capturing the Age-In audience.

GKV Challenger Brand Minute: Time To Zag

In this episode of Challenger Brand Minute, health care marketing expert Andrew Robinson reveals how local and regional health plans can take on the huge national organizations and win.

Medicaid Plans: 3 Tips for Onboarding New Members During COVID-19

One of the most effective strategies for improving member retention is to improve member onboarding. Discover 3 easy tips for reducing new member churn in your Medicaid plan.

Medicare plans? Pivot to online seminars this AEP.

Even during COVID-19, Medicare seminars can still drive AEP leads. Here are 5 tips for how to host seminars online so you can keep reaching prospects.

Tips for growing Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (DSNP) membership

The largest growing Medicare Advantage plan segment is the Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (DSNPs). Try these 5 tips to make sure your brand is front and center when people are ready to enroll.

8 Steps to a Successful AEP 2021

Hitting your AEP enrollment targets is never easy. If your AEP 2020 marketing just underperformed, the first thing you should do is read this article.

Medicare Plans: Moving advertising in-house?

Medicare Plans: Moving advertising in-house?

The rationale for bringing some services in-house is strong, but moving work from an external agency creates pitfalls you need to strongly consider.

The Social Media Advantage in the Health Insurance Industry

The Social Media Advantage in the Health Insurance Industry

Social media can help you become a go-to source of information at times when consumers are trying to navigate an ever-changing and confusing industry.

Make the Most of This Medicare OEP

Grow your market share this OEP.

Meet your new healthy living expert: you.

Healthy living is a thriving consumer market.

Peace, Love & Medicare

Ten thousand baby boomers a day are aging into Medicare.

OTC Products in a Challenger Brand World.

The over-the-counter (OTC) medicine market is on fire.

It’s a Mom’s World We’re Living In

Keeping a finger on the pulse of “mom”.

To BRC or not to BRC?

There is a reason that the prospect decided to respond via BRC…