> Health and OTC Products

ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN Good for you again

St. Joseph Aspirin was an iconic brand. However, it was living in the shadow of a much larger competitor, Bayer Aspirin. In fact, Bayer’s marketing budget was more than 200 times larger. If St. Joseph Aspirin had any hopes of capturing market share, it would need to find a unique path into the consumer’s medicine cabinet.

GKV began with a new packaging design, giving the St. Joseph brand a sense of “modern heritage.” Next, GKV tapped into the deep-seated emotional connection baby boomers already had with the St. Joseph brand. The theme created was as simple as the product itself. “Good for you again.” Ken Osmond, Eddie Haskell of Leave it to Beaver fame, proved to be a very effective spokesperson in trade promotions, consumer TV and print ads. St. Joseph saw tremendous results — a 19% rise in sales.

“GKV has helped us become one of the top three fastest growing Medicare Advantage companies in the U.S.”

Executive, Healthcare Company

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“They are organized, efficient with project management, responsive, and really easy to work with.”

Global Marketing Communications Manager, Vitamin Manufacturer

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“We have a highly collaborative relationship with GKV. They really encourage us to think about different perspectives and approaches to problems.”

Director of Marketing, Independent Practice Association

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“When we introduced our MAPD plan, we needed an ad agency that specializes in Medicare. GKV was that agency.”

Vice President, Insurance Company

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“GKV’s award-winning campaigns are generating a substantial amount of qualified leads.”

Vice President, Insurance Company

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“With their hands-on service, I feel like I’m their only client. I’m consistently shocked by their ability to meet our most aggressive demands.”

Director of Marketing, Independent Practice Association

Read more of our reviews here.

“GKV took the time to learn our business in a way that none of those other agencies we talked bothered to do.”

Vice President Marketing, Insurance Company

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“A key metric for me is cost per sale. GKV brought us efficiency, and they reduced our cost by at least one third.”

Vice President Marketing, Insurance Company

Read more of our reviews here.

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